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发表于 2024-2-19 12:19:20 | 显示全部楼层 阅读模式

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import datetime
import calendar
from scipy import stats
import tensorflow as tf
import seaborn as sns
import warnings

from sonnet.python.modules.base import AbstractModule
from sonnet.python.modules.basic import BatchApply, Linear, BatchFlatten
from sonnet.python.modules.rnn_core import RNNCore
from sonnet.python.modules.gated_rnn import LSTM
from sonnet.python.modules.basic_rnn import DeepRNN

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import functools
from sonnet.python.modules import basic
from sonnet.python.modules import rnn_core
from sonnet.python.ops import nest

def get_holdings(accountid,datatype):
    for obj in resultlist:
    return holdinglist

def get_portfolio(accountid,datatype):
    for obj in resultlist:
    return result

def timetag_to_date(timetag, format):
    timetag = timetag/1000
    #time_local = time.localtime(timetag)
    return time.strftime(format,format)

def init(ContextInfo):
    ContextInfo.index = '000016.SH'
    #ContextInfo.stocks = ContextInfo.get_sector('000300.SH')
    ContextInfo.stype = 'index'
    ContextInfo.isFirst = True

    # 参数   
    ContextInfo.batch_size=1, #
    ContextInfo.hidden_size=100, # DNC控制器隐藏状态数量
    ContextInfo.memory_size=100, # 记忆矩阵大小
    ContextInfo.threshold=0.99, # ACT在时刻t循环运算截至阈值
    ContextInfo.pondering_coefficient = 1e-2, # 思考损失函数系数
    ContextInfo.num_reads=3 # DNC读头控制数量
    ContextInfo.num_writes=1 # DNC写头控制数量

    ContextInfo.fit(5,learning_rate = 1e-1)#a.fit(5,learning_rate = 1e-1)
    # 参数
    ContextInfo.training_iters =1e2, # 训练次数
    ContextInfo.learning_rate = 1e-4, # 学习率
    ContextInfo.optimizer_epsilon = 1e-10, # 优化器参数建议保持原值
    ContextInfo.max_gard_norm = 50 # 优化器梯度防范参数建议保持原值

    ContextInfo.factors = ['Beta','btop',
        #'净利率', '净资产收益率', '毛利率','资产收益率',
    ContextInfo.factors = ['Beta.beta','btop.btop',
        '净利率.考虑披露期延迟净利率', '净资产收益率.考虑披露期延迟净资产收益率', '毛利率.考虑披露期延迟毛利率','资产收益率.考虑披露期延迟资产收益率',
    ContextInfo.financials = ['PERSHAREINDEX.du_return_on_equity', 'PERSHAREINDEX.sales_gross_profit', 'PERSHAREINDEX.inc_revenue_rate',
            'ERSHAREINDEX.du_profit_rate', 'PERSHAREINDEX.inc_net_profit_rate','PERSHAREINDEX.adjusted_net_profit_rate',
            'PERSHAREINDEX.inc_total_revenue_annual', 'PERSHAREINDEX.inc_net_profit_to_shareholders_annual', 'PERSHAREINDEX.adjusted_profit_to_profit_annual',
            'PERSHAREINDEX.equity_roe', 'PERSHAREINDEX.net_roe', 'PERSHAREINDEX.total_roe',
            'PERSHAREINDEX.gross_profit', 'PERSHAREINDEX.net_profit', 'PERSHAREINDEX.actual_tax_rate',
            'PERSHAREINDEX.gear_ratio', 'PERSHAREINDEX.inventory_turnover']

    ContextInfo.shift = 5 # 回溯时间步
    ContextInfo.training_iters = 1000 # 单周期训练次数
    ContextInfo.stop = 20 # 停下来查看loss的时间步
    ContextInfo.lr = 0.005 # 学习率
    ContextInfo.n_hidden_units = 100 # neurons in hidden layer
    ContextInfo.lstm_size = ContextInfo.n_hidden_units # 单层 lstm 的 hidden_units 数量
    ContextInfo.n_layers = 2 # lstm 层数

def handlebar(ContextInfo):
    index = ContextInfo.index
    shift = ContextInfo.shift
    barpos = ContextInfo.barpos
    realtime = ContextInfo.get_bar_timetag(barpos)
    ContextInfo.current_dt = timetag_to_datetime(realtime,'%Y%m%d')
    today = ContextInfo.current_dt
    bkstart =  ContextInfo.start
    bkend = ContextInfo.end
    #bkstartday = substr(bkstart)
    #bkday = substr(bkend)
    #preDate1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(today, "%Y%m%d") + datetime.timedelta(days = -shift)
    #preDate =  preDate1.strftime('%Y%m%d')
    #preDate2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(today, "%Y%m%d") + datetime.timedelta(days = -1)
    #ContextInfo.previous_date =  preDate2.strftime('%Y%m%d')
    #print(preDate, type(preDate))
    index = ContextInfo.index
    if ContextInfo.stype == 'index':
        ContextInfo.stocks = ContextInfo.get_sector(index, realtime)
    elif ContextInfo.stype == 'industry':
        ContextInfo.stocks = ContextInfo.get_industry(index)
    elif ContextInfo.stype == 'sector':
        ContextInfo.stocks = ContextInfo.get_stock_list_in_sector(index, realtime)
        ContextInfo.stocks = index

    stockList = ContextInfo.stocks
    factorslist = ContextInfo.factors


    tradingday = ContextInfo.get_trading_dates('000001.SH', '', today, shift+1, '1d')
    shift_index_pred = list(tradingday).index(today) # 获取today对应的绝对日期排序数
    pred_days = tradingday[shift_index_pred - shift+1 : shift_index_pred+1] # 获取回溯需要的日期array

    start_date_pred = pred_days[0]
    end_date_pred = pred_days[-1]
    ContextInfo.previous_date =pred_days[-1]

    print('pred:', start_date_pred, end_date_pred)

    # 训练时间list
    shift_index_train = list(tradingday).index(today) -1 # 获取yesterday对应的绝对日期排序数
    train_days = tradingday[shift_index_train - shift+1 : shift_index_train+1 ]

    start_date_train = train_days[0]
    end_date_train = train_days[-1]
    #ContextInfo.previous_date =train_days[-1]

    print('train:',start_date_train, end_date_train, ContextInfo.previous_date)

    st_data=get_extras('is_st',stockList, count = 1,end_date = date)
    stockList = [stock for stock in stockList if not st_data[stock][0]]

    # stockList = stockList[:9]

    x_tech_train = get_train_x(ContextInfo, stockList,factorslist,start_date_train, end_date_train)
    #x_fund_train = get_fund(ContextInfo, stockList, start_date_train, end_date_train)
    #x_train = pd.concat([x_tech_train, np.transpose(x_fund_train, (1,0,2))], axis =2)
    #x_train = pd.concat([x_tech_train, x_fund_train], axis=1)
    x_train = x_tech_train
    y_train = get_train_y(ContextInfo, stockList, start_date_train, end_date_train)

    x_tech_pred = get_train_x(ContextInfo, stockList,factorslist,start_date_pred, end_date_pred)
    #x_tech_pred = x_tech_train
    # x_fund_pred = get_fund(stockList, pred_days,industry_old_code,industry_new_code)
    x_pred = x_tech_pred

    # 参数
    training_iters = ContextInfo.training_iters # 单周期训练次数
    stop = ContextInfo.stop # 停下来查看loss的时间步
    lr = ContextInfo.lr # 学习率
    n_hidden_units = ContextInfo.n_hidden_units # neurons in hidden layer
    lstm_size = n_hidden_units # 单层 lstm 的 hidden_units 数量
    n_layers = ContextInfo.n_layers # lstm层数

    x_sub_train = x_train.get_values().astype(np.float32)#array(x_train.astype(np.float32))
    y_sub_train = y_train.get_values().astype(np.float32)#array(y_train.astype(np.float32))
    x_test = x_pred.get_values().astype(np.float32) #array(x_pred.astype(np.float32))

    # 参数
    n_inputs = (x_sub_train.shape[2]) # 输入参数维度
    n_steps = (x_sub_train.shape[1]) # time steps
    n_classes = y_sub_train.shape[2] # 分类元素
    n_layers = ContextInfo.n_layers # lstm层数
    lr = ContextInfo.lr # 学习率
    training_iters = ContextInfo.training_iters # 训练次数
    stop = ContextInfo.stop # 停止步数

    pred = lstmtrain(x_sub_train, y_sub_train, x_pred, n_hidden_units,n_inputs, n_classes,n_steps,n_layers,lr, training_iters, stop)
    #print('pred:', pred)

    buy,sell,df = get_buy_sell(pred, y_train, stockList)
    buy_position = get_buy_position(df,buy)

    print('买入配资', buy_position)

    ContextInfo.buy = list(buy_position.index)
    ContextInfo.sell = sell
    ContextInfo.buy_position = buy_position
    sell = list(sell)

    # 止盈止损池子
    today = ContextInfo.current_dt
    yesterday = ContextInfo.previous_date
    yesterday = str(yesterday)

    holdinglist = get_holdings(ContextInfo.accountID,'STOCK')
    #print('holdinglist', holdinglist)

    for stock in holdinglist:
        floating_return = get_floating_return(ContextInfo, stock,yesterday,today)
        if floating_return < -0.03 or floating_return > 0.1:

    ContextInfo.sell = list(sell)


# 【根据涨幅t1/t0倍数加权建仓】
def market_open(ContextInfo):


    df_buy = ContextInfo.buy_position
    buy = ContextInfo.buy
    sell = ContextInfo.sell

    ContextInfo.holdings = get_holdings(ContextInfo.accountID,"STOCK")
    # 获取每个标的的配资权重
    weight_for_stocks = {}
    for stock in df_buy.index:
        weight_for_stocks[stock] = list(df_buy.ix[stock])[-1]

    cash = get_portfolio(ContextInfo.accountID,'STOCK')
    # 买入股票
    for stock in ContextInfo.buy:
        if stock not in ContextInfo.holdings:
            order_value(stock, weight_for_stocks[stock]*cash, ContextInfo, ContextInfo.accountID)

    for stock in ContextInfo.sell:
        if stock in ContextInfo.holdings:
            order_target_percent(stock, 0, 'COMPETE', ContextInfo, ContextInfo.accountID)

# 设置滑点手续费
def set_slip_fee(ContextInfo):
    # 将滑点设置为0
    ContextInfo.set_slippage(1, 0.0)
    # 根据不同的时间段设置手续费
    dt = ContextInfo.current_dt

    if dt >  '20130101': #datetime.datetime(2013,1, 1):
        commissionList = [0.0003,0.0013,0.0003, 0.0003, 0, 5]
    elif dt > '20110101': #datetime.datetime(2011,1, 1):
        commissionList = [0.001,0.002,0.0003, 0.0003, 0, 5]
    elif dt > '20090101':#datetime.datetime(2009,1, 1):
        commissionList = [0.002,0.003,0.0003, 0.0003, 0, 5]
        commissionList = [0.003,0.004,0.0003, 0.0003, 0, 5]
    ContextInfo.set_commission(0, commissionList)

def get_fund(ContextInfo, stockList, start_date_pre, end_date_pre):
    fieldList = ['PERSHAREINDEX.du_return_on_equity', 'PERSHAREINDEX.sales_gross_profit', 'PERSHAREINDEX.inc_revenue_rate',
            'ERSHAREINDEX.du_profit_rate', 'PERSHAREINDEX.inc_net_profit_rate','PERSHAREINDEX.adjusted_net_profit_rate',
            'PERSHAREINDEX.inc_total_revenue_annual', 'PERSHAREINDEX.inc_net_profit_to_shareholders_annual', 'PERSHAREINDEX.adjusted_profit_to_profit_annual',
            'PERSHAREINDEX.equity_roe', 'PERSHAREINDEX.net_roe', 'PERSHAREINDEX.total_roe',
            'PERSHAREINDEX.gross_profit', 'PERSHAREINDEX.net_profit', 'PERSHAREINDEX.actual_tax_rate',
            'PERSHAREINDEX.gear_ratio', 'PERSHAREINDEX.inventory_turnover']
    x_fund = ContextInfo.get_financial_data(fieldList, stockList,start_date_pre, end_date_pre, report_type = 'announce_time')
    return x_fund

# 训练数据获取
# 单周期训练数据【x】
def get_train_x(ContextInfo, stockList, factorslist, start_date_pre, end_date_pre):
    x_train = pd.DataFrame(columns=ContextInfo.factors)

    timeArray = time.strptime(start_date_pre, "%Y%m%d")
    start = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray)
    timeArrayend = time.strptime(end_date_pre, "%Y%m%d")
    end = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArrayend)

    data = ext_data_range(factorslist[0],'000001.SH' ,start,end, ContextInfo)
    dfdate = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index', columns=['Beta'])
    dfdate.index.name = 'dates'
    del dfdate['Beta']
    dfdate2 = dfdate.rename(index = substr)
    # 训练数据【x】
    input_data1 = {}

    for stock in stockList:
        ddd = dfdate2
        for factor in factorslist:
            factor_data= ext_data_range(factor,stock ,start,end,ContextInfo)
            dffactor = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(factor_data, orient='index', columns=[factor])
            #dffactor.index.name = 'dates'
            dffactor2 = dffactor.rename(index = substr)
            ddd = ddd.join(dffactor2, on='dates')

        dffund = ContextInfo.get_financial_data(ContextInfo.financials, [stock],start_date_pre, end_date_pre, report_type = 'announce_time')
        dfalldata = pd.concat([ddd, dffund], axis=1)
        #dfalldata = ddd
        # 有些因子没有的,用别的近似代替
        #dfalldata.fillna(0, inplace = True)
        #input_data1[stock] = dfalldata

        # 去inf
        a = np.array(dfalldata)
        where_are_inf = np.isinf(a)
        a[where_are_inf] = 'nan'
        dfdata =pd.DataFrame(a, index=dfalldata.index, columns = dfalldata.columns)
        dfdata.fillna(0, inplace = True)
        data_pro = winsorize_and_standarlize(dfdata)
        #print('##############', data_pro)
        input_data1[stock] = data_pro

        #print('##############', type(input_data1), input_data1)
    #print('****************', input_data1)

    x_train = pd.Panel(input_data1)
    #print(type(x_train), x_train)
    return x_train

# 单周期训练数据【y】
def get_train_y(ContextInfo, stockList, start_date_last, end_date_last):

    # 训练数据【y】
    input_data = {}
    for i in stockList:
        data = ContextInfo.get_market_data(['close'], stock_code = ,
            start_time = start_date_last, end_time = end_date_last, skip_paused = True,
            period = ContextInfo.period, dividend_type = 'none', count = ContextInfo.shift)
        data = data[data.columns[0]]
        input_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
    y_train = pd.Panel(input_data) # 训练因子数据

    return y_train

# 获取买入卖出池子  
def get_buy_sell(pred,y_train,stockList):
    # 整合结果
    # 上一个交易日的收盘价
    df_y_t0 = dict(np.transpose((y_train),(1,0,2)))[list(dict(np.transpose((y_train),(1,0,2))).keys())[-1]]
    # 本交易日预测价格
    p = np.transpose(pred, (1,0,2))
    df_pred = pd.DataFrame(p[-1])
    df_pred.index = df_y_t0.index
    # 整合
    df = pd.concat([df_y_t0, df_pred], axis =1)
    df.columns = ['t0','pre_t1']

    # 获取预测标的池子
    diff1 = (df['pre_t1']-df['t0'])
    # 表格整理
    df1 = df.copy()
    df1['buy_decision'] = 0
    for i in range(len(df)):
        if list(diff1) > 0:
            df1.iloc[i,2] = True
        else :
            df1.iloc[i,2] = False

    # 买入池子
    buy = []
    for i in range(len(diff1)):
        if list(diff1) > 0 :

    # 卖出池子
    sell = set(stockList) - set(buy)

    return buy,sell,df1

# 获取标的日间浮动收益率
def get_floating_return(ContextInfo, stock,yesterday,today):
    #print( [stock], str(yesterday), str(today), ContextInfo.period)
    a = ContextInfo.get_market_data(['close'], [stock], yesterday,today, True,ContextInfo.period, 'none', 2)
    past_p = list(a['close'])[0]
    current_p = list(a['close'])[-1]
    floating_return = current_p/past_p -1

    return floating_return

# 【资金加权】
def get_buy_position(df,buy):

    # 涨跌幅获取
    df['increase_pct'] = df['pre_t1']/df['t0']
    # 提取预测涨的股票
    df_buy = df.ix[buy]
    # 降序
    df_buy = df_buy.sort_values(by = ['increase_pct'], ascending = False)
    # 配资比率
    df_buy['buy%'] = df_buy['increase_pct']/sum(df['increase_pct'])

    return df_buy  

def substr(dtstr):
    data = dtstr[0:4]+dtstr[5:7]+dtstr[8:10]
    return data

def winsorize_and_standarlize(data,qrange=[0.05,0.95],axis=0):
    data:Dataframe or series,输入数据
    if isinstance(data,pd.DataFrame):
        if axis == 0:
            q_down = data.quantile(qrange[0])
            q_up = data.quantile(qrange[1])
            index = data.index
            col = data.columns
            for n in col:
                data[n][data[n] > q_up[n]] = q_up[n]
                data[n][data[n] < q_down[n]] = q_down[n]
            data = (data - data.mean())/data.std()
            data = data.fillna(0)
            data = data.stack()
            data = data.unstack(0)
            q = data.quantile(qrange)
            index = data.index
            col = data.columns
            for n in col:
                data[n][data[n] > q[n]] = q[n]
            data = (data - data.mean())/data.std()
            data = data.stack().unstack(0)
            data = data.fillna(0)

    elif isinstance(data,pd.Series):
        name = data.name
        q = data.quantile(qrange)
        data[data>q] = q
        data = (data - data.mean())/data.std()
    return data

a = Classifier_DNC_BasicLSTM_L1(train_inputs, train_targets, train_gather_list)

class Classifier_DNC_BasicLSTM_L1(object):

    def __init__(self,
                 pondering_coefficient = 1e-2,

        self._tmp_inputs = inputs
        self._tmp_targets = targets
        self._in_length = inputs.shape[0]
        self._in_width = inputs.shape[2]
        self._out_length = targets.shape[0]
        self._out_width = targets.shape[2]
        self._batch_size = batch_size

        self._sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

        self._inputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
                                      shape=[self._in_length, self._batch_size, self._in_width],
        self._targets = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
                                       shape=[self._out_length, self._batch_size, self._out_width],

        act_core = DNCore_L1( hidden_size=hidden_size,
        self._InferenceCell = ACTCore(core=act_core,

        self._initial_state = self._InferenceCell.initial_state(self._batch_size)

        tmp, act_final_cumul_state = \
        act_output, (act_final_iteration, act_final_remainder) = tmp

        self._pred_outputs = act_output
        if gather_list is not None:
            out_sequences = tf.gather(act_output, gather_list)
            out_sequences = act_core

        pondering_cost = (act_final_iteration + act_final_remainder) * pondering_coefficient
        rnn_cost = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            labels=self._targets, logits=out_sequences)
        self._cost = tf.reduce_mean(rnn_cost) + tf.reduce_mean(pondering_cost)

        self._pred = tf.nn.softmax(out_sequences, dim=2)
        correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self._pred,2), tf.argmax(self._targets,2))
        self._accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32))

    def _get_hidden_state(self, state):
        controller_state = state[0]
        next_state, next_cell = controller_state
        return next_state

    def fit(self,
            training_iters =1e2,            
            learning_rate = 1e-4,
            optimizer_epsilon = 1e-10,
            max_gard_norm = 50):

        # Set up optimizer with global norm clipping.
        trainable_variables = tf.trainable_variables()
        grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(
            tf.gradients(self._cost, trainable_variables), max_gard_norm)
        global_step = tf.get_variable(
            collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP])

        optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(
            learning_rate=learning_rate, epsilon=optimizer_epsilon)
        self._train_step = optimizer.apply_gradients(
            zip(grads, trainable_variables), global_step=global_step)  

        for scope in range(np.int(training_iters)):
            _, loss, acc = self._sess.run([self._train_step, self._cost, self._accuracy],
                                     feed_dict = {self._inputs:self._tmp_inputs,
            print (scope, '  loss--', loss, '  acc--', acc)
        print ("Optimization Finished!")

    def close(self):
        print ('结束进程,清理tensorflow内存/显存占用')

    def pred(self, inputs, gather_list=None):

        output_pred = self._pred_outputs
        if gather_list is not None:
            output_pred = tf.gather(output_pred, gather_list)
        probability = tf.nn.softmax(output_pred)
        classification = tf.argmax(probability, axis=-1)

        return self._sess.run([probability, classification],feed_dict = {self._inputs:inputs})

class Classifier_DNC_BasicLSTM_L3(object):

    def __init__(self,
                 pondering_coefficient = 1e-2,

        self._tmp_inputs = inputs
        self._tmp_targets = targets
        self._in_length = None
        self._in_width = inputs.shape[2]
        self._out_length = None
        self._out_width = targets.shape[2]
        self._batch_size = batch_size

        self._sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

        self._inputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
                                      shape=[self._in_length, self._batch_size, self._in_width],
        self._targets = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
                                       shape=[self._out_length, self._batch_size, self._out_width],

        act_core = DNCore_L3( hidden_size=hidden_size,
        self._InferenceCell = ACTCore(core=act_core,

        self._initial_state = self._InferenceCell.initial_state(self._batch_size)

        tmp, act_final_cumul_state = \
        act_output, (act_final_iteration, act_final_remainder) = tmp

        self._pred_outputs = act_output
        if gather_list is not None:
            out_sequences = tf.gather(act_output, gather_list)
            out_sequences = act_core

        pondering_cost = (act_final_iteration + act_final_remainder) * pondering_coefficient
        rnn_cost = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            labels=self._targets, logits=out_sequences)
        self._cost = tf.reduce_mean(rnn_cost) + tf.reduce_mean(pondering_cost)

        self._pred = tf.nn.softmax(out_sequences, dim=2)
        correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self._pred,2), tf.argmax(self._targets,2))
        self._accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32))

    # 待处理函数
    def _get_hidden_state(self, state):
        controller_state, access_state, read_vectors = state
        layer_1, layer_2, layer_3 = controller_state
        L1_next_state, L1_next_cell = layer_1
        L2_next_state, L2_next_cell = layer_2
        L3_next_state, L3_next_cell = layer_3
        return tf.concat([L1_next_state, L2_next_state, L3_next_state], axis=-1)

    def fit(self,
            training_iters =1e2,            
            learning_rate = 1e-4,
            optimizer_epsilon = 1e-10,
            max_gard_norm = 50):

        # Set up optimizer with global norm clipping.
        trainable_variables = tf.trainable_variables()
        grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(
            tf.gradients(self._cost, trainable_variables), max_gard_norm)
        global_step = tf.get_variable(
            collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP])

        optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(
            learning_rate=learning_rate, epsilon=optimizer_epsilon)
        self._train_step = optimizer.apply_gradients(
            zip(grads, trainable_variables), global_step=global_step)  

        for scope in range(np.int(training_iters)):
            _, loss, acc = self._sess.run([self._train_step, self._cost, self._accuracy],
                                     feed_dict = {self._inputs:self._tmp_inputs,
            print (scope, '  loss--', loss, '  acc--', acc)
        print ("Optimization Finished!")

    def close(self):
        print ('结束进程,清理tensorflow内存/显存占用')

    def pred(self, inputs, gather_list=None):

        output_pred = self._pred_outputs
        if gather_list is not None:
            output_pred = tf.gather(output_pred, gather_list)
        probability = tf.nn.softmax(output_pred)
        classification = tf.argmax(probability, axis=-1)

        return self._sess.run([probability, classification],feed_dict = {self._inputs:inputs})

# Content-based addressing
class calculate_Content_based_addressing(AbstractModule):
    Calculates the cosine similarity between a query and each word in memory, then
    applies a weighted softmax to return a sharp distribution.

    def __init__(self,
                epsilon = 1e-6,

        Initializes the module.

          num_heads: number of memory write heads or read heads.
          word_size: memory word size.
          name: module name (default 'content_based_addressing')
        super().__init__(name=name) # 调用父类初始化
        self._num_heads = num_heads
        self._word_size = word_size
        self._epsilon = epsilon

    def _Clip_L2_norm(self, tensor, axis=2):
        quadratic_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tensor, tensor), axis=axis, keep_dims=True)
        #return tf.max(tf.sqrt(quadratic_sum + self._epsilon), self._epsilon)           
        return tf.sqrt(quadratic_sum + self._epsilon)

    def _Calculate_cosine_similarity(self, keys, memory):

            memory: A 3-D tensor of shape [batch_size, memory_size, word_size]
            keys: A 3-D tensor of shape [batch_size, num_heads, word_size]  
            cosine_similarity: A 3-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_heads, memory_size]`.

        matmul = tf.matmul(keys, memory, adjoint_b=True)
        memory_norm = self._Clip_L2_norm(memory, axis=2)
        keys_norm = self._Clip_L2_norm(keys, axis=2)
        cosine_similarity = matmul / (tf.matmul(keys_norm, memory_norm, adjoint_b=True) + self._epsilon)
        return cosine_similarity

    def _build(self, memory, keys, strengths):
        Connects the CosineWeights module into the graph.

            memory: A 3-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size, word_size]`.
            keys: A 3-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_heads, word_size]`.
            strengths: A 2-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_heads]`.

            cosine_similarity: A 3-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_heads, memory_size]`.
            content_weighting: Weights tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_heads, memory_size]`.
        cosine_similarity = self._Calculate_cosine_similarity(keys=keys, memory=memory)
        transformed_strengths = tf.expand_dims(strengths, axis=-1)
        sharp_activations = cosine_similarity * transformed_strengths

        softmax = BatchApply(module_or_op=tf.nn.softmax)
        return softmax(sharp_activations)

class update_Dynamic_memory_allocation(RNNCore):
    Memory usage that is increased by writing and decreased by reading.

    This module is a pseudo-RNNCore whose state is a tensor with values in
    the range [0, 1] indicating the usage of each of `memory_size` memory slots.

    The usage is:

    *   Increased by writing, where usage is increased towards 1 at the write
    *   Decreased by reading, where usage is decreased after reading from a
      location when free_gates is close to 1.

    def __init__(self,
                 epsilon = 1e-6,

        """Creates a module for dynamic memory allocation.

          memory_size: Number of memory slots.
          name: Name of the module.
        self._memory_size = memory_size
        self._epsilon = epsilon

    def _build(self,

        usage = self._update_usage_vector(prev_usage,

        allocation_weightings = \

        return usage, allocation_weightings

    def _update_usage_vector(self,
        The usage is:

        *   Increased by writing, where usage is increased towards 1 at the write
        *   Decreased by reading, where usage is decreased after reading from a
          location when free_gates is close to 1.

            prev_usage: tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]` giving
            usage u_{t - 1} at the previous time step, with entries in range [0, 1].

            prev_write_weightings: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
            giving write weights at previous time step.

            free_gates: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_reads]` which indicates
            which read heads read memory that can now be freed.

            prev_read_weightings: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_reads, memory_size]`
            giving read weights at previous time step.

            usage: tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]` representing updated memory usage.
        prev_write_weightings = tf.stop_gradient(prev_write_weightings)
        usage = self._Calculate_usage_vector(prev_usage, prev_write_weightings)
        retention = self._Calculate_retention_vector(free_gates, prev_read_weightings)
        return usage * retention

    def _Calculate_usage_vector(self, prev_usage, prev_write_weightings):

        Calcualtes the new usage after writing to memory.

          prev_usage: tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]`.
          write_weightings: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`.

          New usage, a tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]`.
        with tf.name_scope('usage_after_write'):
            # Calculate the aggregated effect of all write heads
            fit_prev_write_weightings = 1 - \
            tf.reduce_prod(1 - prev_write_weightings, axis=[1])

            usage_without_free = \
            prev_usage + fit_prev_write_weightings - \
            prev_usage * fit_prev_write_weightings

            return usage_without_free

    def _Calculate_retention_vector(self, free_gates, prev_read_weightings):
        The memory retention vector phi_t represents by how much each location
        will not be freed by the gates.

            free_gates: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_reads]` with entries in the
            range [0, 1] indicating the amount that locations read from can be

            prev_write_weightings: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`.
            retention vector: [batch_size, memory_size]
        with tf.name_scope('usage_after_read'):
            free_gates = tf.expand_dims(free_gates, axis=-1)

            retention_vector = tf.reduce_prod(
                1 - free_gates * prev_read_weightings,
                axis=[1], name='retention')

            return retention_vector     

    def _update_allocation_weightings(self, usage, write_gates, num_writes):
        Calculates freeness-based locations for writing to.

        This finds unused memory by ranking the memory locations by usage, for each
        write head. (For more than one write head, we use a "simulated new usage"
        which takes into account the fact that the previous write head will increase
        the usage in that area of the memory.)

            usage: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]` representing
            current memory usage.

            write_gates: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes]` with values in
            the range [0, 1] indicating how much each write head does writing
            based on the address returned here (and hence how much usage

            num_writes: The number of write heads to calculate write weights for.

            tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]` containing the
            freeness-based write locations. Note that this isn't scaled by `write_gate`;
            this scaling must be applied externally.
        with tf.name_scope('update_allocation'):
            write_gates = tf.expand_dims(write_gates, axis=-1)
            allocation_weightings = []
            for i in range(num_writes):
                # update usage to take into account writing to this new allocation
                usage += ((1-usage) * write_gates[:,i,:] * allocation_weightings)
            return tf.stack(allocation_weightings, axis=1)

    def _Calculate_allocation_weighting(self, usage):

        Computes allocation by sorting `usage`.

        This corresponds to the value a = a_t[\phi_t[j]] in the paper.

              usage: tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]` indicating current
              memory usage. This is equal to u_t in the paper when we only have one
              write head, but for multiple write heads, one should update the usage
              while iterating through the write heads to take into account the
              allocation returned by this function.

          Tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]` corresponding to allocation.
        with tf.name_scope('allocation'):
            # Ensure values are not too small prior to cumprod.
            usage = self._epsilon + (1 - self._epsilon) * usage
            non_usage = 1 - usage

            sorted_non_usage, indices = tf.nn.top_k(
            non_usage, k = self._memory_size, name='sort')

            sorted_usage = 1 - sorted_non_usage
            prod_sorted_usage = tf.cumprod(sorted_usage, axis=1, exclusive=True)

            sorted_allocation_weighting = sorted_non_usage * prod_sorted_usage

            # This final line "unsorts" sorted_allocation, so that the indexing
            # corresponds to the original indexing of `usage`.
            inverse_indices = self._batch_invert_permutation(indices)
            allocation_weighting = self._batch_gather(
                sorted_allocation_weighting, inverse_indices)

            return allocation_weighting

    def _batch_invert_permutation(self, permutations):

        Returns batched `tf.invert_permutation` for every row in `permutations`.

        with tf.name_scope('batch_invert_permutation', values=[permutations]):
            unpacked = tf.unstack(permutations, axis=0)

            inverses = [tf.invert_permutation(permutation) for permutation in unpacked]
            return tf.stack(inverses, axis=0)

    def _batch_gather(self, values, indices):
        """Returns batched `tf.gather` for every row in the input."""

        with tf.name_scope('batch_gather', values=[values, indices]):
            unpacked = zip(tf.unstack(values), tf.unstack(indices))
            result = [tf.gather(value, index) for value, index in unpacked]
            return tf.stack(result)   

    def state_size(self):

    def output_size(self):

class update_Temporal_memory_linkage(RNNCore):
    Keeps track of write order for forward and backward addressing.

    This is a pseudo-RNNCore module, whose state is a pair `(link,
    precedence_weights)`, where `link` is a (collection of) graphs for (possibly
    multiple) write heads (represented by a tensor with values in the range
    [0, 1]), and `precedence_weights` records the "previous write locations" used
    to build the link graphs.

    The function `directional_read_weights` computes addresses following the
    forward and backward directions in the link graphs.
    def __init__(self,

        Construct a TemporalLinkage module.

          memory_size: The number of memory slots.
          num_writes: The number of write heads.
          name: Name of the module.
        self._memory_size = memory_size
        self._num_writes = num_writes

    def _build(self,
        Calculate the updated linkage state given the write weights.

            prev_links: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size, memory_size]`
            representing the previous link graphs for each write head.

            prev_precedence_weightings: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
            containing the previous precedence weights.

            write_weightings: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
            containing the memory addresses of the different write heads.

            link:  A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size, memory_size]`
            precedence_weightings: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`

        link = self._update_link_matrix(
            prev_link, prev_precedence_weightings, write_weightings)

        precedence_weightings = \
            prev_precedence_weightings, write_weightings)

        forward_weightings = \
            link, prev_read_weightings, forward=True)

        backward_weightings = \
            link, prev_read_weightings, forward=False)

        return link, precedence_weightings, forward_weightings, backward_weightings  

    def _update_link_matrix(self,
        Calculates the new link graphs.

        For each write head, the link is a directed graph (represented by a matrix
        with entries in range [0, 1]) whose vertices are the memory locations, and
        an edge indicates temporal ordering of writes.

          prev_links: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size, memory_size]`
          representing the previous link graphs for each write head.

          prev_precedence_weights: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
          which is the previous "aggregated" write weights for each write head.

          write_weightings: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
              containing the new locations in memory written to.

          A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size, memory_size]`
          containing the new link graphs for each write head.

        with tf.name_scope('link'):

            write_weightings_i = tf.expand_dims(write_weightings, axis=3)
            write_weightings_j = tf.expand_dims(write_weightings, axis=2)
            prev_link_scale = 1 - write_weightings_i - write_weightings_j
            remove_old_link = prev_link_scale * prev_link

            prev_precedence_weightings_j = tf.expand_dims(
                prev_precedence_weightings, axis=2)
            add_new_link = write_weightings_i * prev_precedence_weightings_j

            link = remove_old_link + add_new_link

            #Return the link with the diagonal set to zero, to remove self-looping edges.
            batch_size = prev_link.get_shape()[0].value
            mask = tf.zeros(shape=[batch_size, self._num_writes, self._memory_size],

            fit_link = tf.matrix_set_diag(link, diagonal=mask)
            return fit_link

    def _update_precedence_weightings(self,
        Calculates the new precedence weights given the current write weights.

        The precedence weights are the "aggregated write weights" for each write
        head, where write weights with sum close to zero will leave the precedence
        weights unchanged, but with sum close to one will replace the precedence

          prev_precedence_weightings: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
          containing the previous precedence weights.

          write_weightings: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
          containing the new write weights.

          A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
          containing the new precedence weights.  
        with tf.name_scope('precedence_weightings'):
            sum_writing = tf.reduce_sum(write_weightings, axis=2, keep_dims=True)

            precedence_weightings = \
            (1 - sum_writing) * prev_precedence_weightings + write_weightings

            return precedence_weightings

    def _Calculate_directional_read_weightings(self,
        Calculates the forward or the backward read weightings.

        For each read head (at a given address), there are `num_writes` link graphs to follow.
        Thus this function computes a read address for each of the
        `num_reads * num_writes` pairs of read and write heads.

            link: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size, memory_size]`
            representing the link graphs L_t.

            prev_read_weightsing: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_reads, memory_size]`
            containing the previous read weights w_{t-1}^r.

            forward: Boolean indicating whether to follow the "future" direction in
            the link graph (True) or the "past" direction (False).

            tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_reads, num_writes, memory_size]`

            Note: We calculate the forward and backward directions for each pair of
            read and write heads; hence we need to tile the read weights and do a
            sort of "outer product" to get this.
        with tf.name_scope('directional_read_weightings'):
            # We calculate the forward and backward directions for each pair of
            # read and write heads; hence we need to tile the read weights and do a
            # sort of "outer product" to get this.
            expanded_read_weightings = \
            tf.stack([prev_read_weightings] * self._num_writes, axis=1)
            directional_weightings = tf.matmul(expanded_read_weightings, link, adjoint_b=forward)
            # Swap dimensions 1, 2 so order is [batch, reads, writes, memory]:
            return tf.transpose(directional_weightings, perm=[0,2,1,3])   

# MemoryAccess
class MemoryAccess(RNNCore):
    Access module of the Differentiable Neural Computer.

    This memory module supports multiple read and write heads. It makes use of:

    *   `update_Temporal_memory_linkage` to track the temporal
    ordering of writes in memory for each write head.

    *   `update_Dynamic_memory_allocation` for keeping track of
    memory usage, where usage increase when a memory location is
    written to, and decreases when memory is read from that
    the controller says can be freed.

    Write-address selection is done by an interpolation between content-based
    lookup and using unused memory.

    Read-address selection is done by an interpolation of content-based lookup
    and following the link graph in the forward or backwards read direction.

    def __init__(self,
                 memory_size = 128,
                 word_size = 20,
                 num_reads = 1,
                 num_writes = 1,

        Creates a MemoryAccess module.

            memory_size: The number of memory slots (N in the DNC paper).
            word_size: The width of each memory slot (W in the DNC paper)
            num_reads: The number of read heads (R in the DNC paper).
            num_writes: The number of write heads (fixed at 1 in the paper).
            name: The name of the module.
        self._memory_size = memory_size
        self._word_size = word_size
        self._num_reads = num_reads
        self._num_writes = num_writes

        self._write_content_mod = calculate_Content_based_addressing(
            num_heads = self._num_writes,
            word_size = self._word_size,
            name = 'write_content_based_addressing')

        self._read_content_mod = calculate_Content_based_addressing(
            num_heads = self._num_reads,
            word_size = self._word_size,
            name = 'read_content_based_addressing')

        self._temporal_linkage = update_Temporal_memory_linkage(
            memory_size = self._memory_size,
            num_writes = self._num_writes)

        self._dynamic_allocation = update_Dynamic_memory_allocation(
            memory_size = self._memory_size)

    def _build(self, interface_vector, prev_state):
        Connects the MemoryAccess module into the graph.

            inputs: tensor of shape `[batch_size, input_size]`.
            This is used to control this access module.

            prev_state: Instance of `AccessState` containing the previous state.

            A tuple `(output, next_state)`, where `output` is a tensor of shape
            `[batch_size, num_reads, word_size]`, and `next_state` is the new
            `AccessState` named tuple at the current time t.
        tape = self._Calculate_interface_parameters(interface_vector)

        prev_usage = prev_state

        # 更新写头
        usage = \

        # 更新记忆
        memory = self._update_memory(prev_memory,

        # 更新读头
        precedence_weightings= \

        read_vectors = tf.matmul(read_weightings, memory)

        state = (memory,

        return read_vectors, state

    def _update_write_weightings(self,
        Calculates the memory locations to write to.

        This uses a combination of content-based lookup and finding an unused
        location in memory, for each write head.

            tape: Collection of inputs to the access module, including controls for
            how to chose memory writing, such as the content to look-up and the
            weighting between content-based and allocation-based addressing.

            memory: A tensor of shape  `[batch_size, memory_size, word_size]`
            containing the current memory contents.

            usage: Current memory usage, which is a tensor of shape
            `[batch_size, memory_size]`, used for allocation-based addressing.

            tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`
            indicating where to write to (if anywhere) for each write head.
        with tf.name_scope('update_write_weightings', \
                           values=[tape, prev_memory, prev_usage]):

            write_content_weightings = \

            usage, write_allocation_weightings = \

            allocation_gates = tf.expand_dims(tape['allocation_gates'], axis=-1)
            write_gates = tf.expand_dims(tape['write_gates'], axis=-1)

            write_weightings = write_gates * \
            (allocation_gates * write_allocation_weightings + \
             (1 - allocation_gates) * write_content_weightings)

            return write_weightings, usage

    def _update_memory(self,
            prev_memory: 3-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size, word_size]`.
            write_weightings: 3-D tensor `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]`.
            erase_vectors: 3-D tensor `[batch_size, num_writes, word_size]`.
            write_vectors: 3-D tensor `[batch_size, num_writes, word_size]`.

            memory: 3-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, word_size]`.
        with tf.name_scope('erase_old_memory', \

            expand_write_weightings = \
            tf.expand_dims(write_weightings, axis=3)

            expand_erase_vectors = \
            tf.expand_dims(erase_vectors, axis=2)

            # 这里有多个写头,需要使用累成处理多个写头
            erase_gates = \
            expand_write_weightings * expand_erase_vectors

            retention_gate = \
            tf.reduce_prod(1 - erase_gates, axis=[1])

            retention_memory = prev_memory * retention_gate

        with tf.name_scope('additive_new_memory', \

            memory = retention_memory + \
            tf.matmul(write_weightings, write_vectors, adjoint_a=True)

            return memory

    def _Calculate_interface_parameters(self, interface_vector):
        Interface parameters.
        Before being used to parameterize the memory interactions,
        the individual components are then processed with various
        functions to ensure that they lie in the correct domain.     
        # read_keys: [batch_size, num_reads, word_size]
        read_keys = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_reads * self._word_size,
        read_keys = tf.reshape(
            read_keys, shape=[-1, self._num_reads, self._word_size])

        # write_keys: [batch_size, num_writes, word_size]
        write_keys = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_writes * self._word_size,
            name= 'write_keys')(interface_vector)
        write_keys = tf.reshape(
            write_keys, shape=[-1, self._num_writes, self._word_size])

        # read_strengths: [batch_size, num_reads]
        read_strengths = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_reads,
            name= 'read_strengths')(interface_vector)
        read_strengths = 1 + tf.nn.softplus(read_strengths)

        # write_strengths: [batch_size, num_writes]
        write_strengths = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_writes,
        write_strengths = 1 + tf.nn.softplus(write_strengths)

        # earse_vector: [batch_size, num_writes * word_size]
        erase_vectors = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_writes * self._word_size,
        erase_vectors = tf.reshape(
            erase_vectors, shape=[-1, self._num_writes, self._word_size])
        erase_vectors = tf.nn.sigmoid(erase_vectors)

        # write_vectors: [batch_size, num_writes * word_size]
        write_vectors = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_writes * self._word_size,
        write_vectors = tf.reshape(
            write_vectors, shape=[-1, self._num_writes, self._word_size])

        # free_gates: [batch_size, num_reads]
        free_gates = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_reads,
        free_gates = tf.nn.sigmoid(free_gates)

        # allocation_gates: [batch_size, num_writes]
        allocation_gates = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_writes,
        allocation_gates = tf.nn.sigmoid(allocation_gates)

        # write_gates: [batch_size, num_writes]
        write_gates = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_writes,
        write_gates = tf.nn.sigmoid(write_gates)

        # read_modes: [batch_size, (1 + 2 * num_writes) * num_reads]
        num_read_modes = 1 + 2 * self._num_writes
        read_modes = Linear(
            output_size= self._num_reads * num_read_modes,
        read_modes = tf.reshape(
            read_modes, shape=[-1, self._num_reads, num_read_modes])
        read_modes = BatchApply(tf.nn.softmax)(read_modes)

        tape = {
            'read_content_keys': read_keys,
            'read_content_strengths': read_strengths,
            'write_content_keys': write_keys,
            'write_content_strengths': write_strengths,
            'write_vectors': write_vectors,
            'erase_vectors': erase_vectors,
            'free_gates': free_gates,
            'allocation_gates': allocation_gates,
            'write_gates': write_gates,
            'read_modes': read_modes,
        return tape        

    def _update_read_weightings(self,
        Calculates read weights for each read head.

        The read weights are a combination of following the link graphs in the
        forward or backward directions from the previous read position, and doing
        content-based lookup. The interpolation between these different modes is
        done by `inputs['read_mode']`.

            inputs: Controls for this access module.
            This contains the content-based keys to lookup,
            and the weightings for the different read modes.

            memory: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size, word_size]`
            containing the current memory contents to do content-based lookup.

            prev_read_weights: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_reads, memory_size]`
            containing the previous read locations.

            link: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size, memory_size]`
            containing the temporal write transition graphs.

            A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_reads, memory_size]`
            containing the read weights for each read head.
        with tf.name_scope(

            read_content_weightings = \

            backward_weightings = \

            backward_mode = tape['read_modes'][:, :, :self._num_writes]
            forward_mode = tape['read_modes'][:, :, self._num_writes:2 * self._num_writes]
            content_mode = tape['read_modes'][:, :, 2 * self._num_writes]

            backward_ = tf.expand_dims(backward_mode, axis=3) * backward_weightings
            backward_ = tf.reduce_sum(backward_, axis=2)

            forward_ = tf.expand_dims(forward_mode, axis=3) * forward_weightings
            forward_ = tf.reduce_sum(forward_, axis=2)

            content_ = tf.expand_dims(content_mode, axis=2) * read_content_weightings

            read_weightings = backward_ + forward_ + content_

            return read_weightings, link, precedence_weightings

    def state_size(self):
        """Returns a tuple of the shape of the state tensors."""
        memory = tf.TensorShape([self._memory_size, self._word_size])
        read_weightings = tf.TensorShape([self._num_reads, self._memory_size])
        write_weightings = tf.TensorShape([self._num_writes, self._memory_size])
        link = tf.TensorShape([self._num_writes, self._memory_size, self._memory_size])
        precedence_weightings = tf.TensorShape([self._num_writes, self._memory_size])
        usage = tf.TensorShape([self._memory_size])
        return (memory,

    def output_size(self):
        Returns the output shape.
        return tf.TensorShape([self._num_reads, self._word_size])

class DNCore_L1(RNNCore):
    DNC core cell
    controller: 控制器

    def __init__(self,
                 hidden_size= 128,
                 memory_size= 256,
                 word_size= 128,
                 num_read_heads= 4,
                 num_write_heads= 1,

        super().__init__(name=name) # 调用父类初始化
        with self._enter_variable_scope():
            self._controller = LSTM(hidden_size)
            self._access = MemoryAccess(
                memory_size= memory_size,
                word_size= word_size,
                num_reads= num_read_heads,
                num_writes= num_write_heads)

        self._dnc_output_size = \
        hidden_size + num_read_heads * word_size

        self._num_read_heads = num_read_heads
        self._word_size = word_size

    def _build(self, inputs, prev_tape):

        prev_read_vectors = prev_tape

        batch_flatten = BatchFlatten()
        controller_input = tf.concat(
            [batch_flatten(inputs), batch_flatten(prev_read_vectors)], axis= 1)

        # 控制器处理数据
        controller_output, controller_state = \
        self._controller(controller_input, prev_controller_state)

        # 外存储器交互
        read_vectors, access_state = \
        self._access(controller_output, prev_access_state)

        # DNC 输出
        dnc_output = tf.concat(
            [controller_output, batch_flatten(read_vectors)], axis= 1)

        return dnc_output, (controller_state, access_state, read_vectors)

    def initial_state(self, batch_size, dtype=tf.float32):
        controller_state= self._controller.initial_state(batch_size, dtype)
        access_state= self._access.initial_state(batch_size, dtype)
        read_vectors= tf.zeros([batch_size, self._num_read_heads, self._word_size], dtype=dtype)
        return (controller_state, access_state, read_vectors)

    def state_size(self):
        controller_state= self._controller.state_size
        access_state= self._access.state_size
        read_vectors= tf.TensorShape([self._num_read_heads, self._word_size])
        return (controller_state, access_state, read_vectors)

    def output_size(self):
        return tf.TensorShape([self._dnc_output_size])

class DNCore_L3(RNNCore):
    DNC core cell
    controller: 控制器

    def __init__(self,
                 hidden_size= 128,
                 memory_size= 256,
                 word_size= 128,
                 num_read_heads= 3,
                 num_write_heads= 1,

        super().__init__(name=name) # 调用父类初始化
        with self._enter_variable_scope():
            lstm_1 = LSTM(hidden_size)
            lstm_2 = LSTM(hidden_size)
            lstm_3 = LSTM(hidden_size)
            self._controller = DeepRNN([lstm_1, lstm_2, lstm_3])
            self._access = MemoryAccess(
                memory_size= memory_size,
                word_size= word_size,
                num_reads= num_read_heads,
                num_writes= num_write_heads)

        self._dnc_output_size = \
        hidden_size * 3 + num_read_heads * word_size
        self._num_read_heads = num_read_heads
        self._word_size = word_size

    def _build(self, inputs, prev_tape):

        prev_read_vectors = prev_tape

        batch_flatten = BatchFlatten()
        controller_input = tf.concat(
            [batch_flatten(inputs), batch_flatten(prev_read_vectors)], axis= 1)

        # 控制器处理数据
        controller_output, controller_state = \
        self._controller(controller_input, prev_controller_state)

        # 外存储器交互
        read_vectors, access_state = \
        self._access(controller_output, prev_access_state)

        # DNC 输出
        dnc_output = tf.concat(
            [controller_output, batch_flatten(read_vectors)], axis= 1)        
        return dnc_output, (controller_state, access_state, read_vectors)

    def initial_state(self, batch_size, dtype=tf.float32):
        controller_state= self._controller.initial_state(batch_size, dtype)
        access_state= self._access.initial_state(batch_size, dtype)
        read_vectors= tf.zeros([batch_size, self._num_read_heads, self._word_size], dtype=dtype)
        return (controller_state, access_state, read_vectors)

    def state_size(self):
        controller_state= self._controller.state_size
        access_state= self._access.state_size
        read_vectors= tf.TensorShape([self._num_read_heads, self._word_size])
        return (controller_state, access_state, read_vectors)

    def output_size(self):
        return tf.TensorShape([self._dnc_output_size])        

def _nested_add(nested_a, nested_b):
  """Add two arbitrarily nested `Tensors`."""
  return nest.map(lambda a, b: a + b, nested_a, nested_b)

def _nested_unary_mul(nested_a, p):
  """Multiply `Tensors` in arbitrarily nested `Tensor` `nested_a` with `p`."""
  return nest.map(lambda a: p * a, nested_a)

def _nested_zeros_like(nested_a):
  return nest.map(tf.zeros_like, nested_a)

class ACTCore(rnn_core.RNNCore):
  """Adaptive computation time core.

  Implementation of the model described in "Adaptive Computation Time for
  Recurrent Neural Networks" paper, https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08983.

  The `ACTCore` incorporates the pondering RNN of ACT, with different
  computation times for each element in the mini batch. Each pondering step is
  performed by the `core` passed to the constructor of `ACTCore`.

  The output of the `ACTCore` is made of `(act_out, (iteration, remainder)`,

    * `iteration` counts the number of pondering step in each batch element;
    * `remainder` is the remainder as defined in the ACT paper;
    * `act_out` is the weighted average output of all pondering steps (see ACT
    paper for more info).

  def __init__(self, core, output_size, threshold, get_state_for_halting,

      core: A `sonnet.RNNCore` object. This should only take a single `Tensor`
          in input, and output only a single flat `Tensor`.
      output_size: An integer. The size of each output in the sequence.
      threshold: A float between 0 and 1. Probability to reach for ACT to stop
      get_state_for_halting: A callable that can take the `core` state and
          return the input to the halting function.
      name: A string. The name of this module.

      ValueError: if `threshold` is not between 0 and 1.
      ValueError: if `core` has either nested outputs or outputs that are not
          one dimensional.
    super(ACTCore, self).__init__(name=name)
    self._core = core
    self._output_size = output_size
    self._threshold = threshold
    self._get_state_for_halting = get_state_for_halting

    if not isinstance(self._core.output_size, tf.TensorShape):
      raise ValueError("Output of core should be single Tensor.")
    if self._core.output_size.ndims != 1:
      raise ValueError("Output of core should be 1D.")

    if not 0 <= self._threshold <= 1:
      raise ValueError("Threshold should be between 0 and 1, but found {}".

  def initial_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return self._core.initial_state(*args, **kwargs)

  def output_size(self):
    return tf.TensorShape([self._output_size]), (tf.TensorShape([1]),

  def state_size(self):
    return self._core.state_size

  def batch_size(self):
    return self._batch_size

  def dtype(self):
    return self._dtype

  def _cond(self, unused_x, unused_cumul_out, unused_prev_state,
            unused_cumul_state, cumul_halting, unused_iteration,
    """The `cond` of the `tf.while_loop`."""
    return tf.reduce_any(cumul_halting < 1)

  def _body(self, x, cumul_out, prev_state, cumul_state,
            cumul_halting, iteration, remainder, halting_linear, x_ones):
    """The `body` of `tf.while_loop`."""
    # Increase iteration count only for those elements that are still running.
    all_ones = tf.constant(1, shape=(self._batch_size, 1), dtype=self._dtype)
    is_iteration_over = tf.equal(cumul_halting, all_ones)
    next_iteration = tf.where(is_iteration_over, iteration, iteration + 1)
    out, next_state = self._core(x, prev_state)
    # Get part of state used to compute halting values.
    halting_input = halting_linear(self._get_state_for_halting(next_state))
    halting = tf.sigmoid(halting_input, name="halting")
    next_cumul_halting_raw = cumul_halting + halting
    over_threshold = next_cumul_halting_raw > self._threshold
    next_cumul_halting = tf.where(over_threshold, all_ones,
    next_remainder = tf.where(over_threshold, remainder,
                              1 - next_cumul_halting_raw)
    p = next_cumul_halting - cumul_halting

    next_cumul_state = _nested_add(cumul_state,
                                   _nested_unary_mul(next_state, p))

    next_cumul_out = cumul_out + p * out

    return (x_ones, next_cumul_out, next_state, next_cumul_state,
            next_cumul_halting, next_iteration, next_remainder)

  def _build(self, x, prev_state):
    """Connects the core to the graph.

      x: Input `Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, input_size)`.
      prev_state: Previous state. This could be a `Tensor`, or a tuple of

      The tuple `(output, state)` for this core.

      ValueError: if the `Tensor` `x` does not have rank 2.
    self._batch_size = x.get_shape().as_list()[0]
    self._dtype = x.dtype

    x_zeros = tf.concat(
        [x, tf.zeros(
            shape=(self._batch_size, 1), dtype=self._dtype)], 1)
    x_ones = tf.concat(
        [x, tf.ones(
            shape=(self._batch_size, 1), dtype=self._dtype)], 1)
    # Weights for the halting signal
    halting_linear = basic.Linear(name="halting_linear", output_size=1)

    body = functools.partial(
        self._body, halting_linear=halting_linear, x_ones=x_ones)
    cumul_halting_init = tf.zeros(shape=(self._batch_size, 1),
    iteration_init = tf.zeros(shape=(self._batch_size, 1), dtype=self._dtype)
    core_output_size = [x.value for x in self._core.output_size]
    out_init = tf.zeros(shape=(self._batch_size,) + tuple(core_output_size),
    cumul_state_init = _nested_zeros_like(prev_state)
    remainder_init = tf.zeros(shape=(self._batch_size, 1), dtype=self._dtype)
    (unused_final_x, final_out, unused_final_state, final_cumul_state,
     unused_final_halting, final_iteration, final_remainder) = tf.while_loop(
         self._cond, body, [x_zeros, out_init, prev_state, cumul_state_init,
                            cumul_halting_init, iteration_init, remainder_init])

    act_output = basic.Linear(
        name="act_output_linear", output_size=self._output_size)(final_out)

    # 修改,控制器state和读向量使用 pondering 累加权重系数方式,
    # 记忆矩阵不使用,记忆矩阵保持展开时间连续性
    controller_state, access_state, read_vectors = final_cumul_state
    final_cumul_state = (controller_state, unused_final_state[1], read_vectors)

    return (act_output, (final_iteration, final_remainder)), final_cumul_state


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